There are four options for searching the major element chemistry in NAVDAT:

Major Elements as Reported: This searches the database using values presented in the original reference or as contributed. There will be no consistent basis for how the concentrations are given. This means that some data may be normalized to 100% anhydrous, other may be as analyzed. In addition, iron values may be FeO, FeO as the total iron, Fe2O3, Fe2O3 as total iron, etc.

Iron as FeO Total: This searches the database using values for the major oxides that have been normalized to 100% on an anhydrous basis. In addition, iron is presented as FeO (total) regardless of how reported in the original source. All values are thus on a uniform basis.

Iron as Fe2O3 Total: This searches the database using values for the major oxides that have been normalized to 100% on an anhydrous basis. In addition, iron is presented as Fe2O3 (total) regardless of how reported in the original source. All values are thus on a uniform basis.

Iron as Reported FeO and Fe2O3: This search returns values for major oxides, normalized to 100% anhydrous, only for those samples for which FeO and Fe203 were reported in original source.

Results of the search can be given as reported values, normalized values, or all of the above.

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