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32 samples found

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All data files include Sample ID, References, Age, and Location.

Major Element 32 samples
Trace Element 31 samples
Isotopes 29 samples
Major, Trace Elements 31 samples
Major, Trace, Isotopes 29 samples
All Data 32 samples

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First 10 References:
Snow-J-Kent; Lux-Daniel-R...    1999    Special Paper - Geological Soc...    Tectono-sequence stratigraphy of Tertiary rocks i...   
Ramo-O-Tapani; Calzia-James-P;...    2002    Contributions to Mineralogy an...    Geochemistry of Mesozoic plutons, southern Death V...   
No Author Data.    1988    n/a    Late- to post-subduction magmatic transitions in ...   
Walker-J-Douglas; Coleman-Drew...    1991    Geology Boulder. 19; 10, Pages...    Geochemical constraints on mode of extension in th...   

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select sum(major_data_count) as smdc, sum(samp_trace_data_count) as stdc, sum(samp_isotope_data_count) as sidc, sum(samp_majtrace_data_count) as ssmtd, sum(samp_majtriso_data_count) as ssmdc, sum(samp_total_data_count) as total FROM (SELECT (case when samp.major_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as major_data_count, (case when samp.trace_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_trace_data_count, (case when samp.isotope_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_isotope_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtrace_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' and samp.isotope_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtriso_data_count, (CASE WHEN samp.sample_num > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as samp_total_data_count FROM view_data_output norm, sample samp, location loc, sample_age age, batch bat, reference ref, method meth WHERE ST_Contains(st_GeomFromText('Polygon((-117.2735595703125 36.41907231092499,-117.2955322265625 36.295204533693536,-117.235107421875 36.2354121683998,-117.2021484375 36.20660692859011,-117.158203125 36.268635800737854,-117.11700439453125 36.39696752441776,-117.158203125 36.47872381162464,-117.213134765625 36.516258626036624,-117.2735595703125 36.41907231092499))'),loc.mypoint) AND norm.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND age.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND loc.location_num = samp.location_num AND bat.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND ref.ref_num = bat.ref_num AND meth.method_num = age.method_num ) b
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