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99 samples found

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All data files include Sample ID, References, Age, and Location.

Major Element 99 samples
Trace Element 81 samples
Isotopes 12 samples
Major, Trace Elements 81 samples
Major, Trace, Isotopes 12 samples
All Data 99 samples

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First 10 References:
Thompson, R N; Ottley, C J...    2005    Journal of Petrology, vol....    Source of the Quaternary alkalic basalts, picr...   
No Author Data.    1999    n/a    Evolution of Quaternary intraplate mafic lavas det...   
Renault, Jacques...    1970    Circular - New Mexico Bureau o...    Major-element variations in the Potrillo, Carrizoz...   
Everson, Joel Earl...    1979    n/a    Regional variations in the lead isotopic character...   

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select sum(major_data_count) as smdc, sum(samp_trace_data_count) as stdc, sum(samp_isotope_data_count) as sidc, sum(samp_majtrace_data_count) as ssmtd, sum(samp_majtriso_data_count) as ssmdc, sum(samp_total_data_count) as total FROM (SELECT (case when samp.major_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as major_data_count, (case when samp.trace_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_trace_data_count, (case when samp.isotope_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_isotope_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtrace_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' and samp.isotope_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtriso_data_count, (CASE WHEN samp.sample_num > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as samp_total_data_count FROM view_data_output norm, sample samp, location loc, sample_age age, batch bat, reference ref, method meth WHERE ST_Contains(st_GeomFromText('Polygon((-107.2705078125 32.240682534573665,-107.4407958984375 32.20350534542366,-107.49298095703125 32.10118973232094,-107.4627685546875 31.966143862120095,-107.40234375 31.842565921526706,-107.3089599609375 31.80756092262095,-107.16339111328125 31.809895002118832,-106.995849609375 31.835565983656227,-106.9244384765625 31.98245306623574,-106.97113037109375 32.15468722002478,-107.13043212890625 32.263910555201306,-107.2705078125 32.240682534573665))'),loc.mypoint) AND norm.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND age.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND loc.location_num = samp.location_num AND bat.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND ref.ref_num = bat.ref_num AND meth.method_num = age.method_num ) b
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